ITSS Empowers BHDL Bank with Temenos Transact T24 R21 to Meet Evolving Customer Needs

ITSS Empowers BHDL Bank with Temenos Transact T24 R21 to Meet Evolving Customer Needs

ITSS Global, a global banking software integrator and solutions provider with more than twenty-two worldwide offices and over two decades of experience has announced the successful implementation of Temenos Transact T24 R21 TAFJ core banking system for Banco BHD Leon.

ITSS replaced the bank’s outdated core banking system with Transact T24 R21 TAFJ, which had to be implemented from scratch. The major challenge was the huge volume of data from the different types of loans the bank processed. This challenge was overcome by migrating data in phases, which further improved the quality of the process

About Information Technology Solutions & Services

ITSS is an expert banking software integrator. ITSS has worked with hundreds of banks worldwide in over two decades, completing over a thousand projects. The company provides a range of banking software, applications, support, and maintenance services.

Visit their website to find out more:

About Banco BHD Leon

BHDL is the third largest bank in the Dominican Republic with a fairly diversified portfolio, including commercial loans, consumer loans, and mortgages. The business model has been stable through the economic cycle; BHDL has a long track record of earnings stability, which has proven to be resilient.

Visit their website to find out more:

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