A wide range of Solutions / Products to meet all your needs
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Our Solution

ITSS Release Management Solution is a robust, configurable and scalable platform with a responsive design that can be adapted to all screen sizes (Computers, tablets, mobile phones). Thanks to its high configurability and its generic modules, IRMS can be adapted easily to the needs of our clients. IRMS has the capability to manage all your environment in one place.

  • Devops

  • CI/CD

  • Monitoring

  • Repository


Allows the developers to delivery their developments in a unified way


Extract developments either from environments or from Repository.

Development delivery Manager

Allows developers to push their developments in a unified way.

Project Extraction

Extract project either from environments or from Repository.

Source code comparison

Comparison between: environments and/or repositories.

Multiple parallel deployment

Deploy n deliveries on m environments simultaneously

Merge branches

Merge project branches.

Continuous Integration

Packaging, Unit Test, Versioning...

Continuous Delivery

Automatic or On-Demand Deployment on multiple environments

Release flow monitoring

Extended dashboard and filters.

Project flow monitoring

Monitoring of all the tickets of the Project flow.

Projects follow-up

Check and evaluate the progress of your projects.

Hotfix Management

Customizable validation workflow for Hotfix deployment
Save time and money
Save time and money
Saves your time and money by automating several manual tasks
Ensures the production stability by automating all the development delivery process
Ensures a good traceability of users actions and the release content
Better visibility
Better visibility
With a rich dashboard and detailed reports, I-RMS gives you a better visibility
Together, everything is possible
For more information,
please send us an email at mail@itssglobal.com